To be recognised as the local, national and international leader in blind sports and recreation not only in the visually impaired and blind community but also in the wider disability sport and sporting communities as well as the general public. With a focus on growing participation and exposure through building awareness and interest in blind sports, we will be the driving force in promoting the organisation’s profile and creating opportunities for people who are blind or vision impaired to access sport and recreation in Australia and internationally. 


With the continued support from the Australian Sports Commission (through its Sport Australia arm) in the form of managerial expertise, financial assistance, and introduction to various networks; Blind Sports Australia will work with our members and key stakeholders to ensure that programs are delivered which are of the highest standard and meet the needs of our individual participants. As a result of our commitment to excellence and teamwork, and through the provision of the highest quality services, BSA aims to become the lead agency for people who are blind or vision impaired in relation to sports and recreation.


Our Values articulate the guiding principles that drive and motivate us, help us achieve our goals and shape our future direction. Our Values form the cornerstone of our organisational culture and are to be upheld throughout our organisation. They are an extension of the BSA Values and Code of Conduct. 

Commitment to Excellence – We will constantly strive to improve our performance through a commitment to excellence across all our areas of operations. 

Fairness, Equity and Integrity – We will incorporate fairness, integrity and equity in our operations and decision making, promoting the highest behavioural and ethical standards. 

Communication – We focus on effective internal and external exchange in an effort to communicate effectively with all of our stakeholders. 

Organisational Management and Accountability – Good business depends on knowing what is required and being able to take action to achieve it. We are committed to operating smart and conducting our business in a knowledgeable way ensuring our practices are collaborative, transparent, flexible, supportive and accountable. 

Strategic Partnerships – We will actively seek, develop and enhance partnerships with government, sporting institutions, commercial groups and the public to achieve our goals. 

Sporting and Community Legacy – The organisation will provide a legacy to the sporting community and general public, to increase the reputation of BSA as a leading organisation for people with vision impairment. 


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